Member Invite
$1,500.00Member Enrollment and Benefits with the Wealth-Builder Trading Innovation program
Special “1 Year Try-Me” option (Guarantees: 100% refund and earnings 6%, 7% to ++% per month)
Membership is limited, based on Trading Pool contribution amount.Key elements, read details further below.
1. No Risk – “1 Year Try-Me” Membership
2. Passive Membership there is no activity required from you
3. Monthly Earnings payout (minimum % or revenue share, whichever is greater, details below in #3)
4. Nothing to sell/buy, NO affiliate program or links, no referring.
Enter the amount of your Membership:
“1 Year Try-Me” Membership Rate of $1,500 (see details below)Membership will be closed when Trading Pool balance goal is reached between $7k and $10K. A member may own several units. Goal for the trading pool is $10,000, however, I may close it earlier.
REMEMBER: Your minimum payout per month is based on your Membership contribution amount.
Select your amount, $1,500 or any multiple.
NOTE: The payment preferred via Debit/Credit card or PayPal. It can be divided with portion via Credit/Debit or PayPal and Balance in BTC/ETH. 1. Payouts to you are via PayPal, unless you request to receive payouts in BTC/ETH.
Also accepted BTC or ETH (please include sufficient Gas fees)
BTC: bc1q5mzy46d8cj7kwu0nr3k7dvyh50uxn2u4z4x9ez
ETH: 0xAb67831Fe92D64C0B3D1D4e71d2C4936Dda08D3A