Private & Limited Membership
visit the Member Page for details.
No Risk – “1 year Try-Me” Membership
Monthly Minimum Payout 6% to 10%
No fancy Sales pitch, no video, no Memes, no ads
You can talk to me directly, Skype or FB video chat,
Innovation means inventing and creating new ideas and products, or taking existing ideas and transforming them into something better. Using IT (Information Technology) in our Commodity Trading activities, the concept of the Wealth-Builder Trading Innovations Opportunity, with the PASSIVE Revenue participation in the Commodities Trading Pool. The number of Members will be limited.
Facts: Why join me?
You passively participate in a unique concept combining a physical available product to the public and a private revenue sharing Trading Pool.
You do not have the time to trade and watch the market every day.
You do not have the time and sources to conduct research with specific commodity markets.
You do not have the experience and knowledge of 45 years trading, before the Internet existed.
I do!
Trading Innovation, IT, Old Fashion, Security and Guarantee
You read and heard it before, people claim they developed a “guaranteed system” to beat the market. As I mentioned in “About”, charts and stats are based on past results and events. Many jump in to trade when they think to see a trend direction, without proper research.
Some keys to success:
1. Research before placing a trade. That’s what we did, going as far back 45 years ago, with NO Internet. We researched!
2. Focus on a limited number of items to trade. It is impossible to research 30 different commodities, stocks or indices.
3. No emotion! Never trade based on emotion. You love coffee, however, this week the wheat looks better. You love Gold, but the US-30 and US-500 indexes are more under the watch. Emotional decision are a guarantee for failure.
4. Timing! Timing when placing a Trade. Every tradeable item, has a daily close/open time, as well as trigger for overnight swap fees. As example: It’s foolish to place a trade 10 minutes before closing on a Friday, since a lot can happen before opening time Sunday eve or Monday
Especially for commodities, I stick with those I know a lot about, and know where to find details with future outlook. I connect and review with different sources, in different region and countries, to get an “old fashion” analysis of my own. Same for Indices and Stocks. What are the economical key events during a week, expected results of company reports, governmental key decisions, and other factors.
I will explain more details in future posts for Members only.
To place profitable trades, it requires sufficient capital, to execute decent trade positions and grow the account organically.
1st goal to secure a trade pool of $7K to $10K
Ideal would be fully funded with $10,000. To reach $10K we will keep 35% of generated profit in the trading pool, increasing capital base to $10K. 65% of monthly profits will be paid to members,
When the Trade capital balance is $10K, then 70% will be distributed, and 30% to increase the Trade capital up to $15,000. When the Trade capital balance is $15K, then 80% will be distributed, and 20% to increase the Trade capital up to $25,000. With that Trading pool base of $25K, Distribution amount will grow exponentially. From that point forward, we will discuss and mutually agree, to keep a 90% distribution and 10% trading pool increase for future growth.
Expected payout when trading account is full funded, could be several hundred % return first year, exponentially increase following years.
NOTE to clarify as Example: Total Members contribution equals 60% of initial Pool balance. Over time, the Pool balance has grown to $50,000. Then 60% is Member owned capital, which will further grow. Depending on future growth, I will periodically issues additional payouts, keeping a steady growth of the Pool balance in place. Members acknowledge and agree to Pool cap balance of $50,000. At such time balance amounts above the $50K will be disbursed monthly, unless ALL members agree to a new higher Pool balance.
I invite you to join and promise best performance to increase your member account with value over time.
Commodity Trading in some form goes back 1000’s of years, when people traded food in all categories, for either other products or a value established at such time. Over time it evolved from small tribes, to regions, countries, and today, all over the world, with the highest speed of the Internet.
Trading for food and livestock, to currencies, crypto, stocks and almost everything, has become trillions of dollar transacted. Technology today provides charts and schedules, and IMO many individual traders are falling victim, especially in the commodity trading to such tools.
There are many factors which can impact the up or down which are not available on charts and spec sheets. The impact of the war on Wheat, the drought and virus on Cocoa plantation in Africa, as well as daily research for a specific commodity are essential for success and failure.
With age 21 I received my Degree as a Retail Food Merchant in Germany. With age 26 I owned my first Food Super market, 1 year later a second. Five years later, 1977, working countless hours and no vacations, I sold the businesses and joined a Commodity Trading company in Switzerland, with offices in London, Germany and France. Jan. 1978 till early 1982. Worked direct with Brokers in London and experienced the traditional “hand-signal” trades of the floor brokers. Was an amazing and stressful time. 1982 I resigned and emigrated to the US. Life changed, however, early 2000’s Forex trading became available, did some trading on and off, learning, failing, succeeding. Since 2016 part-time hobby-style trading in Commodities with some friends. Losing 4 friends and partners, took a mental toll on me, and I devoted and buried myself too much into the custom Art designs, 15 hours a day. After medical issues (eyes) I was forced to change. Now I am back, too my roots and expanding for a small group of members, to establish a base pool amount for trading.
I accumulated links to resources, articles, knowledge material, and my own “five cents”, in many text files, which are part of my “system”, which over time, I will add details on our Main site.
I invite you to join and promise best performance to increase our Trade account with value over time.
Commodities trading in selected categories:
– Agriculture
– Energy
– Metals
Crypto (only very limited with strongest indication)
Real Trade Results
These trades are a week’s results with my very small budget. Gold was a full trade on a Monday, since my information showed strong indication of a short term retreat before week economic financial details come out. With larger trading pool capital, such results would have been 5-10 times higher. Last few years, even with limited time for research and few trades, I averaged between 75 to 80% positive.
I do NOT use any AI, and NO Bot trading indicators.